Commander Keen Remastered

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Commander Keen Remastered
Commander Keen Remastered.png
Fangame-ingame-Commander Keen Remastered.png
Release date
Latest update2020-02-09
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Commander Keen Remastered is a fangame in development by Kajuby Games.

The production of the game seems to have begun somewhere right after the Bethesda's new Commander Keen mobile game announcement. The author, disappointed from what Bethesda was trying to make at that time, felt that he needed to create the Commander Keen game everyone wanted (a platformer with updated graphics on a more modern engine). On 02.11.2019 the author posted a gameplay video. He claimed that he has managed to make the entire first episode of Commander Keen. Even though, he considers the state of the game as an "early alpha stage" (alpha v0.0.1 or early preview alpha build) and he is planning on to create the rest of the episodes plus an additional new one.

The game is using some graphical and musical assets from the mobile game Commander Keen by Bethesda. It also uses some music from the original keen games, as well as some music tracks from keen mods. The gameplay is close to the classic Commander Keen 1 style, but with smoother animations, hi-res graphics and more modern visual effects. Some graphics from that version are placeholders and will (most probably) replaced or changed as development goes.


Current Status (9.Feb.2020):

Public Beta 0.0.7b

Invasion of the Vorticons

- Episode 1 - Finished
- Episode 2 - Finished
- Episode 3 - Finished

Lost Episode

- Keen Dreams - TBA

Goodbye Galaxy

- Episode 4 - TBA
- Episode 5 - TBA
- Episode 6 - TBA

Keen Return of the Darkness - TBA