Galaxy Tools

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A mod, or modification, is the alteration of content in order to make it operate in a manner different from its original version. They can include new items, modded weapons, characters, enemies, models, tile-sets, levels, music, story lines and game modes. The following tools and information can be used to create mods of Commander Keen episodes 4-6, Keen Dreams, and Source Mods.

Game Editing

This section is organised by category. If an editor supports more than one type of editing (such as graphics editing and sound editing) it will be listed under both sections.

Level Editors

Graphics Editors

  • uGrab (CLI, Win32, WINE), mainly for modifying source mods
  • ModKeen (DOS, Source Code), LModKeen (Linux Port) for extracting and re-importing graphics
  • Keengraph (DOS, Win32, WINE) for extracting and reimporting graphics
  • KeenGrout (DOS, Win32, WINE, Source Code) for adding/removing a grid to the Keen graphics tileset
  • Intro Text (CLI) for modifying the intro animation graphics
  • K5Splode (DOS) for editing the galaxy explosion pattern

Sound Editors

  • Abiathar (Win32, WebInterface) program to import\export sounds and music files.
  • KeenWave (DOS, compiled Linux binary) program to import\export sounds and music, currently a beta, comes with an Adlib sound player.
  • WDC (Win32) for editing sound effects, music and text files

Music Editors

  • AdPlug standalone DOS program and a Winamp / XMMS plugin for playing Keen's IMF music.
  • IMF Player (DOS, Source Code) as the name suggest: an IMF Player.
  • imfplay (DOS, Source Code) as the name suggest: an IMF Player.
  • IMF2WAV (DOS, Win32, Source Code) converts any IMF file to Wave format.
  • IMF2MIDI (DOS, Win32) converts IMF songs into MIDI files.
  • MIDI2IMF (CLI) converts MIDI songs into IMF files.
  • DRO2MIDI (CLI, Source Code) improved program based on IMF2MIDI
  • DRO2IMF (DOS) converts DRO files to IMF files.
  • IMF Creator (CLI, Source Code) converts MIDI songs into IMF files.
  • IMFCrush (CLI, Source Code) reduces the file size + converts IMF songs to a different rate and/or format.
  • OPL3 Bank Editor (Linux, Windows, macOS, Source Code) creates / edits various music instrument bank formats.
  • WDC (Win32) for editing sound effects, music and text files.

Story / Game Text Editors

  • uGrab (CLI, Win32, WINE), mainly for modifying source mods
  • ModKeen (DOS, Source Code), LModKeen (Linux Port) for extracting extracting data chunks
  • Keengraph (DOS, Win32, WINE) for extracting data chunks
  • TheDraw + KeenScr (DOS) for editing the loading and final text screens
  • Startext (DOS) for editing the 'star wars' story and the Oracle replies
  • The Neural Stunner (Win32) for editing some basic patches
  • LNAMES (CLI) for editing level name and level entry texts
  • Orbatext for editing and optimizing level name and level entry texts
  • LText (CLI) for scanning and generating a text patch/pointer
  • Keen Text Editor (Win64, Linux) for editing help and story text sceens
  • WDC (Win32) for editing sound effects, music and text files

Patching tools

  • CKPatch (DOS) for patching the executable files
  • UNLZEXE (Win32, CLI) needed to decompress the executable files
  • UNP (DOS) needed to decompress the executable files

Other editors and editing tools

  • Abiathar (Win32, WebInterface) can edit tile properties
  • CWSDPMI may be needed to run ModKeen and other modding programs.
  • Galactile (Win32, WINE) a tile properties editor (successor of Ck456Tli and CK456DTli)
  • Galaxer1 (Win32) a terrain editor (extension tool for Abiathar)
  • GalaxyView (Win32, WINE) a level viewer for Keen Galaxy
  • Instant Carma Windows based decompression tool
  • Fixmhead needed to fix 'maphead.ck4' in TED5
  • TEDSetup (DOS) for making files compatibe with TED5
  • TliExtend (CLI) a tileinfo extension utility (extension tool for Abiathar)
  • WDC (Win32) for editing sound effects, music and text files

Modding Tutorials

OS Compatible

Most of the above listed tools are written for MS-DOS or Windows based systems. The bracketed ancillary information show for which operating system (OS) these tools are meant to be. To run these applications one could use the native system they are based on. Alternatively there are ways of emulating the needed OS. For eg. MS-DOS based tools can be run via DOSBox.

For Linux users (Mac-OS?) the usability differs for each application. Those might be either compatible, portable or provide another ability to run them like compiling the source code on a Linux based system. The following footer texts explain the needed requirements:

  • CLI: Tool is command line based.
  • DOS: Tool is originally written for a MS-DOS environment and can be emulated by using DOSBox.
  • Port: A Linux port for this Tool exists.
  • Source Code: The source-code is available within the download package and can be compiled.
  • Win32: Tool is native Windows tool. It might be compatible with WINE.
  • WINE: Tool is a standalone application which just needs the WINE program starter to work properly.

Alternative one could use a Virtual machine to simply emulate the needed Operating System. There are several options to choose from. The most popular might be Virtual-Box, VMware Workstation or QEMU.

Game Information

  • For details on the file formats used by the games, see the Commander Keen 4-6 section on the ModdingWiki.
  • There is a list of patches that can be incorporated into mods to change the game's behaviour.

See Also