Patch:F10 C Cheat

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The F10 + C or count objects cheat in Keen Galaxy is a cheat that displays the number of sprites (objects) in a level that are active and inactive (Inactive objects are offscreen.) Adding these together gives the total number of sprites in a level. It was developed for playtesting but is useful for modders who wish to track how many objects they have in a level at any one time.

Cheat window

These patches affect the cheat window. The size and text calls can be easily patched. The 'text vertical location' is a value, in pixels, that determines how far down from the top of the window the first line of text appears. Making this 0 will make the text appear at the very top of the window.

Keen F10-C cheat

#Keen 4 :
%patch $6C09  [$0004W] #Window height
%patch $6C0D  [$0012W] #Window width
%patch $6C1C  [$07]    #Text vertical location
%patch $6C1E  [$03BEW] #Text called from
%patch $6C36  [$03CFW] #Text called from

%patch $2F22E "Active Objects :" $00
%patch $2F23F $0A "Inactive Objects:" $00

#Keen 5 :
%patch $6BBE  [$0004W] #Window height
%patch $6BC2  [$0012W] #Window width
%patch $6BD1  [$07]    #Text vertical location
%patch $6BD3  [$0362W] #Text called from
%patch $6BEB  [$0373W] #Text called from

%patch $306A2 "Active Objects :" $00
%patch $306B3 $0A "Inactive Objects:" $00

#Keen 6 :
%patch $69D8  [$0004W] #Window height
%patch $69DC  [$0012W] #Window width
%patch $69EB  [$07]    #Text vertical location
%patch $69ED  [$0336W] #Text called from
%patch $6A05  [$0347W] #Text called from

%patch $31066 "Active Objects :" $00
%patch $31077 $0A "Inactive Objects:" $00

Key that activates cheat

This patch alters what keys activate the object counter. (See Patch:Scancodes.) By default this is 'c' Setting this to $C647, $BCAF or $C7D5 (in Keen 4, Keen 5 and Keen 6 respectively.) will disable the cheat .

Note that two keys need to be pressed for the count objects cheat to work; the second is the 'game state' and stops the cheat being activated during demos.

Keen 4

#F10 + C keys
%patch $744E $C6A3W #C
%patch $7455 $C631W #Game state

Keen 5

#F10 + C keys
%patch $7403 $BD0BW #C
%patch $740A $BC99W #Game state

Keen 6

#F10 + C keys
%patch $721D $C835W #C
%patch $7224 $C7BFW #Game state


This patch disables the F10 C cheat completely. Doing so frees up significant space.

Keen 4

#Count objects cheat disabled (Free $6BDB-$6C5E)
%patch $744C $EB $19

Keen 5

#Count objects cheat disabled (Free $6B90-$6C13)
%patch $7401 $EB $19

Keen 6

#Count objects cheat disabled (Free $69AA-$6A2D)
%patch $721B $EB $19