Underground Level, Underground Base, and Vorticon

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Underground Level, Underground Base, and Vorticon
Keen 3 title.png
Mod-ingame-Underground Level, Underground Base, and Vorticon.png
Modded episodeKeen 3
ProtagonistCommander Keen
Release date
HomepageGrelphy's Commander Keen page
Number of levels2
Secret levels0
New gameplay?No
New graphics?No
New levels?Yes
New sounds?No
New music?No
(0 votes)

Underground Level, Underground Base, and Vorticon are three custom Keen 3 levels by Grelphy. The third level, Vorticon, freezes the game once it is entered and therefore it cannot be entered.

Level Maps

Spoiler warning! This shows whole levels.

Technical Information

  • Text: left unchanged
  • Graphics: same Keen 3 graphics
  • Levels: 3 levels, 1 broken level
  • Tools used: Unknown