Planet Cloudius IX is the most advanced and full-fledged keen-like experience you can get. It is based on KEENGINE by K1n9_Duk3. It uses gameplay mechanics similar to the Keen: Galaxy games, but adds on to the gameplay in really nice and new ways.
The development of the game began somewhere in the summer of 2010 and the development of the engine began somewhere in 2008. The initial version (1.0.0) was released on 18.04.2019.
While traveling in his spaceship, Jake Rodgers almost collided with another one that seemingly came out of nowhere. For a brief moment he saw that the pilot of that spaceship was... a beautiful girl. Shortly after, he followed her spaceship and they both went into uncharted territories. They found themselves in front of a giant formation made of floating islands and atmosphere that is similar to the Earth's one. He saw her spaceship crashing on one of the floating islands. As he felt strong feelings towards that girl, he decided to find and learn about her and what was going on.
Darmondian Deep Forest level
Planet Cloudius IX Overview
The world of Planet Cloudius IX from the initial version consist of 3 major islands: Darmondia (purple land), Jungle (green land) and Beach (yellow land). Jake's ship lands in Darmondia first.
There are several categories of creatures and items in the game:
- Common items, points and creatures - These cam be found in most of the world.
- Uncommon items, points and creatures - These can only be found in few places that sometimes can be secret as well.
- Rare items, points and creatures - These can only be found in secret locations or only in specific environments.
- Epic items, points and creatures - These can be very rare or unique. In most cases they can only be in one place in the entire game and can give you big points and/or special abilities.
Common Items
Standard Galactic Stunner 2000 It temporally paralyzes the creatures. The red one gives you 5 ammo and the yellow one gives you 8 shots. |
Rooibos Rooibos (also known as Roobios) is arguably the finest intergalactic tea! Many scientific studies have show that regular drinking of this ancient tea (which originated from planet Earth) will give you extra lives in Planet Cloudius IX! Fortunately, there are plenty of Rooibos cups that can be vital for you. You need to drink 100 cups to get an extra life and replenish your hearts! |
Spirulina Sphere Extra life. These usually are rare and hard to find. Also replenish your hearts. |
Heart Adds an additional heart, if you are playing on a difficulty that allows you to carry more than one heart container. Very rare item. It also restores your health, if you have been hurt. |
Gem-shaped keys The keys to open doors. |
Jake's Pogo Stick Use it to jump higher and reach higher places. Don't loose it. |
Uncommon, Rare and Epic Items
Crystal Shard Crystal Shards are basically your currency in this planet. You will need them to pass through different areas and also can be used to unlock some doors along your way. |
Ancient Ankh Ancient artifact that gives you invulnerability for 15 seconds. Very rare EPIC item. |
Gem-Shaped Crystal Key Transparent crystal key that open doors. Avoid taking these as they will subtract 10 000 points from your score. |
Pushable Silver And Gold Keys These ancient-type keys are made of a very rare mineral alloy that have an anti-life magnetic field. That means you can't grab these and you'll only be able to push them away from you. Push them in their respective holes to open doors. These are rare and are available in Solid Gold and Deep Silver. |
3D Augmented Realms Headset You can use this headset to see hidden platforms. |
Huge Green Diamond This diamond is one of the eight diamonds which are used to sustain the normal dark energy levels in this universe. |
Common Point Items
Ice Cream Vanilla flavor 100 points |
Ice Cream Chocolate flavor 100 points |
Banana 100 points |
Cone-shaped Ice Cream 500 points |
Naar 200 points |
Perils of Naar 1000 points |
Cocktail 1000 points |
Non-alcoholic juice MUG 100 points |
Hot Coffee 200 points |
Stevia Candy 200 points |
Raw Chocolate Bar with Coco's Flavor 500 points |
Lollipop1 100 points |
Lollipop2 200 points |
Windmill Spinner 2000 points |
Oranges 200 points |
Smiley Face 2000 points |
Balloon 5000 points |
Uncommon, Rare and Epic Point Items
Signal Holders 100 points |
Diskette 1000 points |
SGA Letter S 1000 points |
SGA Letter P 1000 points |
SGA Letter Y 1000 points |
Dot Crystal 100 points |
Big Burger 10 000 points |
Golden Chalice 2000 points |
Golden Staff 5000 points |
Golden Crown 10 000 points |
Hand-drawn Lollipop 100 points |
Hand-drawn Cone-shaped Ice Cream 200 points |
Common Creatures
Rooplet: Rooplets are the most common species in this world. They're usually a friendly race, but can harm you if you get too close to them.
Cooplet: Cooplets are the little siblings of Rooplets and they're usually harmless. They can push you around.
Blorblob: Blorblobs are though and can be dangerous. They take 3 hits with the Standard Galactic Stunner.
Sluglet: These two-eyed slug-like creatures produce very poisonous... poop! Avoid them and their poo.
Snocky: These slug-snake like creatures can be electrifying to you when they stop and produce electricity.
Shroom: Shrooms are a deadly form of a mushroom that likes to bounce around.
Saugschnaufer: Saugschnaufer is a strange yellow creature that creates a strong wind with it's mouth and can push you. Otherwise it's quite harmless.
Rempy: Headcrabs with tentacles. Usually these are easy to stun, but you should avoid them.
RoadRock: You could easily mistake these deadly creatures as regular rocks! But they're more than that. When they hear you, they will become awake and will use their spikes to protect themselves. You can find these in purple and grey.
Blurd: Blurds are the most common flying birds of Planet Cloudius IX. Tough creatures that takes 4 shots with the regular stunner.
Blurd Walker: These are sub-type of Blurds which have developed stronger feet, but cannot fly.
Bat Pest: Flying bats that are also pests with dogtooths.
Slimer: These green slimy creatures can stick around hard surfaces, but they very often jump and fly in random directions until they stick to something else. The original idea behind this creature is that you were supposed to pogo onto it to get an extra high pogo jump, but as of version 1.0.12 of the game that is not implemented. As of version 1.0.11 they can hurt the player.
Butterflies: These are pretty harmless. Still, they can block your shot. They also tend to fly around and follow you. The purple ones are usually found in Darmondia. The rest are in the jungles and beaches.
Small Souplet: These are not a big threat, when they're small. Side note: Their bigger "daddy" version however, is an entirely different thing! It's a big threat! But as of v1.0.12 it is not implemented. But if it was, then the term "soup" from the "souplet" will make sense.
Oxplet: You can find these on the beaches and they use seashells to protect themselves.
Splooglet: Splooglets are creatures from the beaches and can take two shots.
Rooplet swim ring: Sometimes Rooplets enjoy going for a dive into the sea and are using swim rings to stay afloat in the water.
Rooplet Tank: It's getting serious at the Boring Mining Company headquarter where the stakes are high. So the BMC Boss has taken measures to protect The Diamond by equipping Rooplets with tanks.
Uncommon, Rare and Epic Creatures
TBMC Boss: The Boring Mining Company Boss. He attacks and protects the Huge Green Diamond. Takes different amount of damage depending on the difficulty.
Raatlet: Raatlets are uncommon creatures that you can find only in the sewers.
RoboRoop: Rooplets in Robot suit.
Red Braat: These are very though, but fortunately for you, they don't move.
Purple Braat: These are very though, but unfortunately for you, they move.
Zombaiotlet: These zombies want to eat you alive, but they're slow and dumb. But then again, they respawn every now and then, so be careful. It might get a bit zombaicaliptyc!
Darmondia Level 00: Potatoes-With-Cereal Megarocket landing site
Darmondia Level 01: Deep Forest
Darmondia Level 02: Darmondia's Pit
Darmondia Level 03: Dangerous Dome
Darmondia Level 04: Diamond Caverns
Darmondia Level 05: Darmondia River
Darmondia Level 06: Mushroom Village
Darmondia Level 07: Guardian Post 1
Darmondia Level 08: Guardian Post 2
Darmondia Level 09: Spaceship Crash Site
Darmondia Level 10: Twisted Tower
Darmondia Level 11: Zombaiotlet Mayhem!
Darmondia Level 12: Escape The Cave
Jungle Level 01: Jungle Craze
Jungle Level 02: Jungle Forest (50% smaller image size due to wiki limitations)
Jungle Level 03: Jungle Caverns
Jungle Level 05: Jungle Post
Jungle Level 06: Misty Hills
Jungle Level 07: Ancient Ruins (50% smaller image size due to wiki limitations)
Jungle Level 08: Mountain Cave
Jungle Level 09: Ninja Run
Beach Level 01: Sunny Beach
Beach Level 02: Huge Ice Creams
Beach Level 03: Surf'n'Slide
Beach Level 04: Golden Beach
Beach Level 05: Big Durrp Burger
Beach Level 06: Sandy Tower
Skyopolis Level 01: Skyopolis
Secret Level 03: Hunt for the Red Rover
Secret Level 04: Dude, where's my pogo?
Secret Level 05: Battle Island
Secret Level 06: Space Station