Fall Up

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Fall Up
Title Fall Up.png
Mod-ingame-Fall Up.png
Modded episodeKeen 1
ProtagonistCommander Keen
Release date
Discussion(s)PCKF Keen: Modding
Number of levels16
Secret levels1
New gameplay?Yes
New graphics?Yes
New levels?Yes
New sounds?Yes
New music?No
(7 votes)
Overview map

Commander Keen: Fall Up is KeenRush's fourth mod, made for Keen 1. The mod is all about gameplay and motion. Playing it differs largely from the ordinary Keen 1-3 because of the changes in the game's physics.


The mod is based on a system where gravity changers change the gravity, once collected. Keen has infinite lives, but not his trademark raygun or pogo stick. If player 'shoots', Keen's head will explode and he will get out of the level as in case of an usual hazard related death.


There are five gravity changers. Once Keen enters a level the gravity is always set normal (the gravity used in the original games).

Gravity Glider.png
Gravity Glider
makes Keen able to float in air
High Jumps.png
High Jumps
makes Keen able to jump higher
Just Normal.png
Just Normal
returns the gravity to normal
Gravity Grip.png
Gravity Grip
makes Keen fall slowly, and unable to jump upwards
Negative Gravity.png
Negative Gravity
makes Keen fall up


Groggy and confused, Commander Keen finds himself, yet again, in an unexpected zone. Where the garg am I? Why the garg am I here? Maybe he will learn...

Level Maps

Spoiler Warning! This shows the whole levels.