Aarrgggh the Garg in: New Yorp City

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Aarrgggh the Garg in: New Yorp City
Argh Title.png
Mod-ingame-Aarrgggh the Garg in- New Yorp City.png
Modded episodeKeen 1
ProtagonistAarrgggh the Garg
Release date
HomepageBenvolio's Workbench
Discussion(s)PCKF Keen: Modding
Number of levels16
Secret levels1
New gameplay?No
New graphics?Yes
New levels?Yes
New sounds?Yes
New music?No
(0 votes)

Aarrgggh the Garg in: New Yorp City is a Keen 1 mod released by Benvolio in 2021.

Technical Information

  • Graphics: custom graphics by Benvolio - a further adaptation of Mars related graphics from GODRP
  • Levels: 16 levels, 1 worldmap
  • includes a modified status panel, a modified EGA 16-colour palette, use of tileinfo
  • Tools used (incomplete list): ModKeen 1.0, CKPatch, Mindbelt, TileInfo, Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7, KeenFX
  • In accordance with Benvolio's policies of gameplay, there is no patch restricting the GOD or CT-SPACE cheats.


Aargh the Garg must collect numerous toys on the surface of Mars.


The point items in this mod are mid 1970s toys from Earth. They carry low scores, sufficient to achieve the 150 point target and win the game. The items are as follows:

Appearance Item Name Description Value Notes
Pet Rock
Pet Rock [1] A popular but probably overrated toy 2 point
Bionic Woman Wrist Radio
Bionic Woman Wrist Radio Merchandise from a smash hit TV show 4 points
Jelly Belly
Jelly Belly[2] Sweets from the 70s, still enjoyed nowadays 6 points
Buckaroo[3] Iconic 1970s family game 12 points
Pong (Atari Home Console)
Pong (Atari Home Console)[4] Games console from mid 1970s 24 points


The enemies in this mod are re-drawings of Keen1 enemies. These are as follows:

Appearance Enemy Name Description Effect Notes
Yorp Friendly iconic one-eyed martian Pushes Keen playfully. Stunned if jumped on.
Cool Yorp
Cool Yorp A nastier yorp who looks cool and will kill Aargh Charges and kills!

There are also occasional point items which decrease the player's score rather than increase it.


There is no pogo stick item for jumping and also no ray gun.

There is the ability to duck down to a lower height which is essential in several different settings within the game. This takes a degree of practice to do properly.

There are unlimited lives to allow a fair opportunity to the player to complete levels and learn to surpass the many pitfalls.

It cannot be denied that a significant amount of precision in jumps and movement is needed to succeed at playing this mod.