Patch:Keen pogoing (Vorticons)

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This page contains patches relating to how the player acts when the pogo is equipped in Keen Vorticons. For patches affecting the pogo tile see Patch:Pogo (Item). For patches affecting the player in general see Patch:Keen (Keen 1), Patch:Keen (Keen 2) and Patch:Keen (Keen 3).

Disable pogoing

These patches disable the player's ability to pogo, whether or not they have the pogo.

Keen 1

#Disable pogo
%patch $3B16 $EB $0B
%patch $3DA0 $EB $0A

Pogo bounce heights

This controls how high Keen can pogo in-level. There are two types of bounce, 'normal' (Triggered when Keen bounces off the floor) and 'high' (Triggered when the player presses Alt as Keen hits the ground.) The first has a height in pixels and is thus easy to modify. The latter has a height in pixels and thrust value, an increase in speed and is only roughly controllable. It is possible to make Keen always or never pogo high.

If the second high bounce value, $FFFFW value is changed to $FEFFW then Keen has unlimited high pogo heights, he will be able to pogo as high as he wants or until he hits a ceiling. This is like how the Keen Dreams jump cheat works.

Keen 1

#High pogo bounce height
%patch $3F40 [$00C8W] #Normal
%patch $3F3C [$FFFFW] #High (The less this value, the higher Keen goes)

#Normal pogo height
%patch $4085 [$00C8W]

Keen 2

#Pogo bounce height
%patch $6D82 [$00C8W] #Normal
%patch $6D7E [$FFFFW] #High (The less this value, the higher Keen goes)

#Normal pogo height
%patch $6EC7 [$00C8W]

Keen 3

#Pogo bounce height
%patch $75E6 [$00C8W] #Normal
%patch $75E2 [$FFFFW] #High (The less this value, the higher Keen goes)

#Normal pogo height
%patch $772C [$00C8W]

Always pogo high

This patch makes it so all of Keen's pogo bounces are high.

#Always pogo high -Keen 1
%patch $3F32 $90 $90

#Never pogo high -Keen 2
%patch $6D74 $90 $90

#Never pogo high -Keen 3
%patch $75D8 $90 $90

Never pogo high

This patch makes all of Keen's pogo bounces small.

Keen 1

#Never pogo high -Keen 1
%patch $3F32 $EB

#Never pogo high -Keen 2
%patch $6D74 $EB

#Never pogo high -Keen 3
%patch $75D8 $EB


When pogoing Keen can produce several sounds. The first is pogoing itself, made when Keen starts pogoing or hits the ground while doing so. There are also sounds for when he hits walls and ceilings while pogoing.

Keen 1

%patch $408E $06     #Pogo sound
%patch $3FA4 $05     #Keen pogoing blocked by wall sound
%patch $3FD1 $15     #Keen pogoing bump head sound

#Disable sounds
%patch $408D $EB $07 #Pogo sound disabled
%patch $3FA3 $EB $07 #Keen pogoing blocked by wall sound disabled
%patch $3FD0 $EB $07 #Keen pogoing bump head sound disabled

Keen 3

%patch $7735 $06     #Keen pogo sound
%patch $764B $05     #Keen pogoing blocked by wall sound
%patch $7677 $15     #Keen pogoing bump head sound

#Disable sounds
%patch $7734 $EB $06 #Keen pogo sound disabled
%patch $764A $EB $06 #Keen pogoing blocked by wall sound disabled
%patch $7676 $EB $06 #Keen pogoing bump head sound disabled

Having and losing pogo

These patches control when the player has the pogo and how it may be gained or lost. For patches relating to the pogo tile and it giving or not giving the pogo see Patch:Pogo (Item).

Keen has a pogo when he starts the game

This patch lets Keen have a pogo at the start of every game. This means he can pogo from the start. Related patches can be found at Patch:Game start. Note that for Keen 2 and 3 Keen has the pogo at the start by default. Setting this value to 0 will make Keen not have the pogo at game start.

Keen has a pogo when he starts the game

#Keen 1:
%patch $900E [$0001W]

#Keen 2:
%patch $8A9C [$0001W]

#Keen 3:
%patch $98F2 [$0001W]

Don't need pogo item to use pogo

This patch eliminates the need to have a pogo for Keen to use the pogo ability. For Keen 2 and 3 this changes nothing, as Keen always has his pogo. It does however allow a modder to use the pogo counter for something else. This patch contains two optional lines, one stops the C T Space cheat from giving a pogo, the second stops Keen getting a pogo at the game start.

Keen 1

#Don't need pogo item to use pogo
%patch $0DF9 $EB $04 #C T Space doesn't affect pogo
%patch $3B16 $EB $05 #Always pogo 1
%patch $3DB1 $90 $90 #Always pogo 2
%patch $900E $0000W  #Pogos at start of game

Keen 2

#Don't need pogo item to use pogo
%patch $0DF9 $EB $04 #C T Space doesn't affect pogo
%patch $6958 $EB $05 #Always pogo 1
%patch $6BF3 $90 $90 #Always pogo 2
%patch $8A9C $0000W  #Pogos at start of game

Keen 3

#Don't need pogo item to use pogo
%patch $0E66 $EB $04 #C T Space doesn't affect pogo
%patch $71BC $EB $05 #Always pogo 1
%patch $7459 $90 $90 #Always pogo 2
%patch $98F2 $0000W  #Pogos at start of game

Give\take pogo when leaving level

The following patch for Keen 1 sets Keen's ammo and pogo (the first and second brown values in each patch) to 0 when he dies or exits the level. By deleting one of the $A3 $xxxxW strings only one thing will be changed. The brown values are explained in Patch:Game stats.

Set pogo AND ammo to 0 when Keen dies\exits levels

#Set pogo AND ammo to 0 when Keen dies\exits levels -Keen 1
%patch $55EF $EB $4A $33 $C0 $A3 {$AAC8W}  $A3 {$AA9AW}  $A3 $6EC0W  $C3
%patch $7D01 $E8 $D8EDW  $90 $90 $90

#Set pogo AND ammo to 0 when Keen dies\exits levels -Keen 2
%patch $1BC2 $EB $4A $33 $C0 $A3 {$9ADEW}  $A3 {$9AB0W}  $A3 $6E9CW  $C3
%patch $8111 $E8 $9AB0W  $90 $90 $90

#Set pogo AND ammo to 0 when Keen dies\exits levels -Keen 3
%patch $1B4A $EB $4A $33 $C0 $A3 {$9D48W}  $A3 {$9D1AW}  $A3 $70ECW  $C3
%patch $8AAB $E8 $909EW  $90 $90 $90

G O D Cheat and flying with the pogo

When godmode is activated Keen can fly with his pogo by pressing Alt. It is possible to make Keen always fly (In which case the jetpack patch below may be more desirable.) or disable this effect. See also Patch:G O D Cheat

Don't pogo-fly with G O D cheat

This disables flying with the pogo in all circumstances.

Keen 1

#Disable flying pogo with G O D cheat
%patch $3F4E $EB

Keen 2

#Disable flying pogo with G O D cheat
%patch $6D90 $EB

Keen 3

#Disable flying pogo with G O D cheat
%patch $75F3 $EB

Always fly with pogo

Keen 1

#Keen can always fly with his pogo
%patch $3F4E  $90 $90

Keen 2

#Keen can always fly with his pogo
%patch $6D90 $90 $90

Keen 3

#Keen can always fly with his pogo
%patch $75F3 $90 $90

Flying pogo thrust

How fast keen moves when pogo flying is controlled by the 'thrust'; by default this is quite negative (Upwards.) making this more will allow more control, making it less will make pogo flying impractical. $FFF3 is neutral, meaning Keen will sit in the air. $FFFF is downwards thrust, pushing Keen into the ground. ($0001 and higher are even MORE downwards thrust.)

Keen 1

#Flying pogo thrust
%patch $3F5B  [$FF38W]

Keen 2

#Flying pogo thrust
%patch $6D9D  [$FF38W]

Keen 3

#Flying pogo thrust
%patch $7600  [$FF38W]

Jetpack pogo patches

These patches allow Keen to use the pogo like a jetpack; that is to say he will float through the air upwards or downwards when using it. There are two versions of the patch, a simple one and a more complex and versatile one.

Keen 1 jetpack pogo v0.0

This patch allows Keen to fly with his pogo; when Alt is pressed he will float in the direction he was moving before it was pressed. (If falling this will make him fall slower, if jumping he'll float up. If standing on the ground he'll move up rapidly.) Keen will not fall when he hits ceilings and with skill it is possible to make flights of varying speed.

The downside is that the vertical speed is not easy to control, something that may prove an interesting game dynamic. Keen may also not display pogoing sprites, using the jump sprites instead. A more delicate patch is below.

Keen 1 Jetpack patch

#Jetpack pogo
%patch $3F82 $EB $04

Keen 1 Jetpack patch

#Jetpack pogo
%patch $6DC4 $EB $04

Keen 3 Jetpack patch

#Jetpack pogo
%patch $7627 $EB $04

Keen 1 jetpack pogo v0.1

This patch turns Keen's pogo into a jetpack. When alt is pressed the pogo activates as normal. However when alt is held down Keen thrusts upwards and can fly side to side.

The thrust is defined in line 2 and is $FFE2 by default. $FF38 is the default godmode value that allows Keen to pogo fly. $FFF3 is neutral, meaning Keen will sit in the air. $FFFF is downwards thrust, pushing Keen into the ground. ($0001 and higher are even MORE downwards thrust.)

By default here Keen always has a pogo, but this is not vital, Keen can pick up the jetpack item. Removing the first line will cause Keen not to have a pogo at the game start. It is also possible to make the jetpack work only when godmode is enabled as well as allowing it to not turn off when Keen hits the ground. You may also wish to alter the pogo height, which is equivalent to the initial thrust.

Keen 1 Jetpack patch


#Some jetpack options:
%patch $900E [$0001W] #Keen always has a pogo
%patch $3F5B [$FFE2W] #Thrust
%patch $409B $90 $90 #Pogo stops when Keen hits the ground.
%patch $3F4E $90 $90 #Jetpack even when no godmode

#Main Jetpack patch
%patch $55EF $EB $4A
%patch $565A $EB $D3
%patch $5661 $EB $CC
%patch $5668 $EB $C5
%patch $5684 $EB $AC
%patch $568B $EB $A5
%patch $55F1 $1E $0E $1F $A1 $3F5BW $3D $0020W $7F $06 $05 $0004W $A3 $3F5BW
             $1F $EB $30
%patch $5610 $1E $0E $1F $A1 $3F5BW $3D $FFCCW $7C $06 $05 $FFFCW $A3 $3F5BW
             $1F $EB $11
%patch $562F $EB $C0
%patch $5632 $EB $DC
%patch $5635 $EB $5B

Hover when pogoing

These patches allow Keen to stop falling by using the pogo. He will sit in the air not moving. This can be achieved with the above jetpack patch if the thrust is set to $FFF3, but these patches use less space and are less complex. For Keen 1nly one of the two patches should be used.

These patches have the drawback of being unstable, especially the Keen 2 and 3 versions, which may cause animation 'twitches' when used.

Keen 1

#Keen hovers in the air when pressing alt
%patch $3F57  $90 
%patch $3F4E  $90 $90

#Keen hovers in the air when pressing ctrl
%patch $3F39  $90

Keen 2

#Keen hovers in the air when pressing ctrl
%patch $6D7B  $90

Keen 3

#Keen hovers in the air when pressing ctrl
%patch $75DF  $90

Pogo needs 'fuel'

This patch results in Keen being unable to pogo unless he has 'fuel' just as he cannot shoot without ammunition. When Keen presses Alt he will pogo if he has fuel and also lose one fuel unit. Thus if he picks up three pogo, he will be able to start pogoing three times. There are two other patches included here for variety. The first controls how many 'fuel units' each pogo item Keen gets has, and the second stops the pogo when it hits the ground, limiting Keen further.

By changing the values in brown it is possible to make another counter, like Keen's shots, affect the pogo.

Keen 1 pogo fuel patch

#Start pogoing only if Keen has pogo fuel (and decrease the fuel by one)
%patch $3B16 $E9 $B0 $20
%patch $5BC9 $81 $3E {$AA9AW} [$0000W] $75 $03 $E9 $4F $DF $FF $0E {$AA9AW} $E9 $42 $DF
%patch $3DAC $E9 $2C $1E
%patch $5BDB $81 $3E {$AA9AW} [$0000W] $75 $03 $E9 $D3 $E1 $FF $0E {$AA9AW} $E9 $C6 $E1

Extra patches for Keen 1 pogo fuel patch

#Pogo is worth 5 pogo
%patch $44AB $81 $06 {$AA9AW} [$0005W]

#Pogo stops when Keen hits the ground
%patch $409B $90 $90


Keen uses two frames when pogoing left or right, the second when he hits the ground.

Keen 1

#Pogoing Keen's animations
%patch $3F75 [$0018W] #Pogoing right
%patch $3F7D [$001AW] #Pogoing left

Keen 2

#Pogoing Keen's animations
%patch $6DB7 [$0018W] #Pogoing right
%patch $6DBF [$001AW] #Pogoing left

Keen 3

#Pogoing Keen's animations
%patch $761A [$0018W] #Pogoing right
%patch $7622 [$001AW] #Pogoing left


These are miscellaneous pogo patches, mostly to do with physics.

Keen cannot stop pogoing

With this patch Keen will start levels pogoing and cannot stop. While shooting or pressing Alt in the air will cause Keen to use his falling behavior after, he will return to poging when he hits the ground. Exiting is only possible by pressing Alt and falling onto an exit tile.

If the falling behavior's sprites are patched then falling will look and act exactly like pogoing.

There are some issues with shooting, if the last section is removed Keen can still use his raygun and can use it to get an extra boost in midair; this may or may not be desired. There is also an adjustment to be made to stop Keen from stopping his pogo in midair by pressing alt; this will make the levels unexitable unless some other way to exit is patched in.

Keen 1

#Keen doesn't need pogo item
%patch $0DF9 $EB $04 #C T Space doesn't affect pogo
%patch $3B16 $EB $05 #Always pogo 1
%patch $3DA5 $EB $0C #Always pogo 2

#Change standing behaviors into bouncing ones
%patch $3E12 $55 $8B $EC $C7 $06 $52 $82 [$4054W]  $5D $C3
%patch $3867 $55 $8B $EC $C7 $06 $52 $82 [$4054W]  $5D $C3

#Stop shooting (Optional)
%patch $3B23  $EB $46
%patch $3C4E  $5D $C3
%patch $3DB9  $5E $5D $C3
%patch $3E6D  $EB $12
%patch $3FFC  $EB $38
%patch $40AA  $EB $38

#Stop shooting and falling (Optional)
%patch $3FDC $EB $58

Pogo stops when Keen hits the ground

This means that Keen cannot bounce off the ground unless he presses the pogo key. This greatly limits the pogo.

Keen 1

#Pogo stops when Keen hits the ground
%patch $409B $90 $90

Keen 2

#Pogo stops when Keen hits the ground
%patch $6EDD $90 $90

Keen 3

#Pogo stops when Keen hits the ground
%patch $7741 $90 $90

Pogo is antigravity

This patch makes Keen fly upwards when he uses the pogo and stick to ceilings. this may be used for an 'antigravity' effect.

Keen 1

#Pogo is antigravity
%patch $3F50  $90  
%patch $3F4E  $90

Alt skips level

With this patch pressing the pogo key wins the level, allowing the player to skip it. This is best used with the 'use spacebar to shoot' patch found on the Patch:Gameplay (Keen 1) page, to avoid the player accidentally triggering it when shooting. This makes the Alt key equivalent to a cheat. It is also possible to make the game unwinnable this way.

Keen 1

#Alt skips level
%patch $3F5D  $EB