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The original Commander Keen games were released exclusively in English, but fan-made translations are available. They are also mods, yet without changes to gameplay and level design. In addition to the translated texts, the following mods include alterations to graphics depicting text as well, such as the title screen.

Episode Language Title Download(s) Release date Translator(s) Note(s)
Keen 1 Hungarian Ottrekedve a Marson full v1.1 2017-05-09 Szemigi Release Thread
Keen 2 Hungarian A Föld felrobban full 2015-01-05 Szemigi Release Thread
Keen 3 Hungarian Keennek meg kell halni! full 2015-01-13 Szemigi Release Thread
Keen Dreams Hungarian Keen álmodik full 2015-02-25 Szemigi Release Thread
Keen 4 Hungarian A jóslat titka full 2015-01-31 Szemigi Release Thread
Keen 5 Hungarian Az Armageddon gépezet full 2015-02-09 Szemigi Release Thread
Keen 6 Hungarian Megették az idegenek a bébiszitteremet! full 2015-02-18 Szemigi Release Thread