Vorticon Grunt (red)

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Vorticon Grunt (red)
Vorticon Grunt (red).png
Appears inKeen 3
Harms Keen?Yes
Shots to defeat1
Walking speed90/120
A red Vorticon Grunt in Keen 3

The red Vorticon Grunts (officially simply named Grunts) are seen on the planet Vorticon VI and are identical to their yellow and blue counterparts, though easier to kill than the blue variety.

Grunts in general are the basic workforce of the Vorticons, doing menial and nonspecific tasks. They are also the basic soldiers in the Vorticon army, which could earn them the "grunt" name, as in infantry-men. They are the most common type of Vorticon and easily killed with a single shot. Closely related are the Vorticon Grunt (yellow).

The hint sheet simply says about them:

Here they are again, with red suits.

See also