Cameo Appearances
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This page lists the cameo appearances made by Commander Keen or other characters/lore in the Keeniverse in other unrelated games.
General References in Video Games
Bio Menace
- In Episode 2, Level 6 (Trash Dump), Keen appears as a hostage, who must be rescued by the player in order to exit the level.
- In the same episode, Level 10, there is a giant Yorp statue. Later in the level, there are many Keen-related objects in a secret room, such as Boobus Bombs, Yorps and Keen Dreams score items.
- There's a creature in Episode 2 and 3 that looks like a Garg, but smaller like a Yorp, that is called Gorp.
Crystal Caves
- Keen's helmet appears hidden in slime in Episode 2 Level 8, Episode 2 Level 10 and Episode 3 Level 2. This was originally done to poke fun at Commander Keen while Crystal Caves was being developed by a competing company. The company later became part of Apogee while Crystal Caves was still under development, and Keen's helmet was left in as an inside joke.[1]
- "Yorp herding" is mentioned in the story.
- B. Blaze is one of the names on the default high score list.
Doom II
- Commander Keen can be found at the end of Doom II map 32 as an easter egg. Four Keens are hanging on ropes in the final room. You must kill all of them in order to be able to exit the level.
Duke Nukem
- In Episode 1, in the Mercury Mines, Dr. Proton mentions Commander Keen.
Duke Nukem 3D - High Resolution Pack
- Commander Keen makes many cameos in this fan-made enhancement pack, in the form of several high-resolution textures containing Keen-related elements, such as SGA signs and boxes of cereal with Keen and the Dopefish on them.
Guild Wars
- "Keen Commander" is the fourth rank of the commander title track.
Jazz Jackrabbit 1 and 2
- The Sparks that appear in Tubelectric (both games) and Megairbase (first game only) bear a striking resemblance to the Volte-faces.
Jill of the Jungle
- In a news bulletin (seen on the world map in episode one, when collecting the apple after completing the first level), Commander Keen is mentioned by his real name, Billy Blaze.

Epic poking fun at Keen in Jill of the Jungle
JumpJet Rex
- One of the costumes in the game has Rex dressed like Mario, with the letter on the cap being the SGA letter 'A'.
- The Standard Galactic Alphabet is used as the mystic text for the enchanting tables in Minecraft.
Monuments of Mars
- One of the enemies of Monuments of Mars closely resembles the Gargs from Keen 1, which also takes place on Mars.
- Commander Keen is one of the names on the default high score list.
- A Yorp is in Episode 2 Level 15.
- Commander Keen is one of the names on the default high score list.
Pickle Wars
- Commander Keen is mentioned in the story in Level 10 of Episode 1.
Point One
- Yorps make an appearance in the Jump-and-Run game Point One, where the hero of the game must prevent the closure of a popular disco by local authorities. They have been included by the authors to explicitly pay tribute to the Commander Keen series. The Yorps appear occasionally in the second level of the game, which is set in the town's sewer (as appearing here interferes least with the game's non-fictional setting.)
Realms of Chaos
- Goodbye Galaxy is one of the names on the default high score list.
Secret Agent
- The Teddy Bear from Keen 1 is a score item in this game. In the help text it is mentioned as "the bonus of choice with Commander Keen."
- Billy is one of the names on the default high score list.
- One of the textures in Strife, which appears in at least two locations, uses stylised Standard Galactic Alphabet lettering which reads DAMEX from top to bottom.
Wolfenstein 3D and Spear of Destiny
- The B + A + T cheat code used in Keen 4–6 produces a message mentioning Commander Keen.
Dopefish References
The Dopefish also has an inactive website by Joe Siegler, a former employee at Apogee/3D Realms, noting various Dopefish references.
Descent 3
Duke Nukem 3D
- The text Dopefish Lives appears as an easter egg in E1L5: The Abyss.
Hitman 2
Hyperspace Delivery Boy
Max Payne
- In the level E2M3: The Crypt of Decay, there is a hidden underwater area. Entering it displays the message "Welcome to the Well of Wishes!", and a Dopefish is seen on a wall while the text "The Dopefish Lives!" blinks on the screen.
Quake II
Quake III
Rise of the Triad
- The Dopefish can be seen frozen in ice in various snow levels.
Wacky Wheels
- At the start of a level, hold the brake (down arrow) and the left arrow, and perform an uninterrupted 360 degree turn. Providing the character holding the traffic light stays visible throughout the turn, a Dopefish will slide up from the bottom of the screen after each 360 degree turn.