Property:Newest release date

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Date of the latest release. Will be the same as the initial release date if there have been no updates. This field can be used to ensure a valid date is always available, e.g. when sorting by date. If there are no dates recorded, this value will be set to 1900-01-01.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
December 22, 2007  +
August 29, 2010  +
March 14, 2007  +
August 9, 2009  +
August 17, 2005  +
February 8, 2005  +
March 7, 1999  +
January 25, 1999  +
December 21, 2000  +
September 6, 2010  +
October 12, 2002  +
August 11, 2010  +
June 7, 2006  +
July 24, 2009  +
August 1, 2009  +
August 12, 2009  +

Showing 1 related entity.