Keen 2 Bugs
This page lists all the bugs, odd behaviors and unexpected actions that have been discovered in Keen 2.
Shoot through the roof
See the Keen 1 Shoot through the roof bug, which applies to Keen 2 as well.
F8 Crash
See the Keen 1 F8 Crash bug, which applies to Keen 2 as well, in version 1.0.
Extra levels
See the Keen 1 Extra levels bug, which applies to Keen 2 as well.
Swapped levels
The Vorticon Mothership (the world map) has text on written in Standard Galactic Alphabet to indicate which levels the player will be entering. Unfortunately, the levels for Moscow and Rome must have been mixed up during the game's development, as entering the level marked as Rome actually loads the Moscow level, and entering the level marked as Moscow loads the Rome level.
Steps to reproduce:
- Go to the top of the world map
- Enter the level marked as "Rome"
- Observe that the picture near the Tantalus ray is of Saint Basil's Cathedral in the Moscow Red Square
- Enter the level marked as "Moscow"
- Observe the Tantalus picture is of the Roman Colosseum
- Observe further, in either case, that if you beat one of these, the other name is listed in Targets Saved in the Pause screen
Keen can leave Rome's Tantalus Ray still active if he goes as far right as possible at the beginning, and hopping up the little hole. This is not actually a bug, but leaves the player in a situation where they cannot complete the game.
It is also possible to do this and win the game by moving up and right at the beginning and approaching the Tantalus from the right. If the player touches the purple Tantalus spark but does not shoot it then the city will be marked as saved and the game can be won. Otherwise, as in the above example, the game will be unbeatable.
Youths with Talent
Sometimes when a Youth runs onto a wall, there is a chance that they may go through it. This bug is more common when they're in groups in small, enclosed areas, especially in the room in Home A with the five Stuffed Toy Vorticons and seven Youths. The cause of this bug is due to the differing hitbox sizes between the Youth's left and right sprites, as seen in the image to the right (hitboxes are displayed as red rectangles).
Architectural Error
In the Moscow Tantalus Center, there is a tile error that the developers missed. In the picture to the right, look within the red circle, and you will not see a black line when there should be one!
Scrub has the Key

Keen will clip through doors if he is pushed into them by a Scrub from the left side. This can be exploited by players in Weaponry A and Engine Room B to complete these levels without collecting any Keycards or otherwise exploring. These are the only two levels in the game where Scrubs can be coaxed into this movement.
Steps to reproduce:
- Pin yourself between the Yellow door and the scrub that circles the exit in Engine Room B
- or Collect the Vorta-Cola cans above the cake and below the Green Keycard room in Weaponry A (clearing a path for Scrubs to reach the door area) then wait at Yellow door to be pushed while walking right