Keen 6 Versions
This page lists the known versions of Keen 6: Aliens Ate My Baby Sitter! and any differences discovered between the versions.
Keen 6 is the only game based on the Goodbye, Galaxy! engine that received a revision that bumped the version number to 1.5. This ended up being necessary as the previous patch introduced a bug making the game somewhat easier to complete than intended. A demo version of the game was also produced which later on also received a small update.
Full versions
Version 1.0
- Released November, 1991[1]
- Distributed by FormGen Corporation
- Initial release
- Versions available:
Version 1.4
- Released February, 1992[2]
- Distributed by FormGen Corporation
- Versions available:
New features:
- B+A+T cheat added giving you 99 shots, all the keys and an extra life
- Added Gravis Gamepad support
- New command line parameter /JOYPAD added
- New command line parameter /NOPAN, which disables panning of EGA registers, added (EGA)
- Added "Fix jerky motion" menu option under the Configure/Options menu to make movement smoother on certain computers (EGA)
- New command line parameter /JERK, which enables the jerky motion fix, added (EGA)
General changes:
- Debug cheats now need to be activated by pressing A+2+Enter
- All the gameplay demos (not including the high score one) have been re-recorded
- Improved sound card detection
- Pressing a key during the introduction will now take you to the title screen instead of going straight to the control panel (EGA)
- The options in the options menu have been reorganized (EGA)
- Now includes the sprite substitution tile graphics used by TED (EGA)
Graphical changes:
- The portrait graphic of Commander Keen thinking now has a thicker right arm and the left arm is no longer visible (EGA)
- The portrait of Molly now has a different dress and a slightly smaller head (EGA)
- The title screen graphic is slightly different (EGA)
- The red building present in the background of Bloogbase Recreational District has had its shadow by the entrance slightly altered (EGA)
- The text screens now have a new coloring scheme (EGA)
Level design changes:
- The doorway by the start and the pole hole in Guard Post Two now have a one-colored background
- The pole holes in Bloog Aeronautics and Space Administration now have a one-colored background
- The doorways and the pole holes in Guard Post Three now have a one-colored background
- The pole holes in Bloogbase Recreational District now have a one-colored background
Fixed bugs:
- Gems no longer stay in your inventory if you end a game and then start a new one
- The F10+P cheat now works correctly
- Typographical error fixed in the level transition screen to Bloogfoods, Inc.
- If restoring a game saved on top of an eyeball, the camera-view no longer gets confused
- The steep left-upper corner ledges of the metallic blocks can no longer be grabbed onto; one wasn't able to pull oneself up properly previously either and could end up in an endless loop
- The leftmost left-upper corner tile of the metallic "circles" has had its tile properties modified so that Keen properly appears behind the tile
New bugs:
- Changes in the properties of Molly's sprite now result in her being positioned too low and this makes her slide out of her cage
- The flashing arrow in the ending sequence still has a gray background (EGA)
- EGA and VGA video modes are now listed as a combined option at the initializing screen
- Copyright date on the initializing screen has been updated to 1992
Version 1.5
- Released May, 1993[3]
- Distributed by FormGen Corporation
- Versions available:
Level design changes:
- The Glowing Orbs that used to be present at the very top of Bloogbase Management District have been removed
Fixed bugs:
- Molly is now correctly positioned in her cage and will also stay inside
- The flashing arrow in the ending sequence now has the correct background color (EGA)
New bugs:
- The F10+P cheat now once again freezes the game
- Half of the level border block is missing in Bloogbase Management District at the top from where the Glowing Orbs were removed, causing the game to slow down if one oversteps the border
- Includes unused extra files:
Demo versions

Special Demo Version
- Released November 22, 1991[4]
- Distributed by FormGen Corporation
- EGA version only – download (331 kB)
Changes compared to version 1.0
General differences:
- Only four levels are available:
- Keen starts with the grappling hook already in his inventory
- The game contains only four demo files
- The demo files have been rerecorded
- No document check when starting a new game
Level design differences:
- Many areas on the world map are blocked off and there are signs that say "DEMO" with Yorps sitting on them near these areas
- Parts of the world map that will never be seen by the player have been removed
- The E+N+D cheat restarts the current level
- After quitting the game, instructions on how to order from FormGen Corporation are listed
- The main game EXE is called K6DEMO.EXE (in the original release) or ALIENS.EXE (in the re-release on April 24, 1992[5])
Promotional Release Version
- Released January 17, 1992[6]
- Distributed by Precision Software Applications in the United Kingdom
- EGA version only – download (329 kB)
Changes compared to the Special Demo Version
General changes:
- Pressing a key during the introduction will now take you to the title screen instead of going straight to the control panel
- The demo files have been rerecorded
Text changes:
- Jason Blochowiak has been removed from the high scores and Mitzi (John Carmack's cat) has been added to the bottom
Fixed bugs:
- The E+N+D cheat has been removed
New bugs:
- The Yorp signs now say "????"
- After quitting the game, instructions on how to order from Precision Software Applications are listed
- The main game EXE is called KEEN6.EXE (in the original release) or BABYSIT.EXE (in the re-release on February 24, 1993[7])
Apogee Demo Version
- Released February 29, 1992[8]
- Distributed by Apogee Software
- EGA version only
Changes compared to the Special Demo Version
General changes:
- While the demo files weren't rerecorded, Keen appears to be out of sync in a few cases due to some changes in the code
- After quitting the game, instructions on how to order from Apogee Software are listed
- The main game EXE is called KEEN6E.EXE
- ↑ As per the last-modified date of the installer files
- ↑ As per the last-modified date of the installer files
- ↑ As per the last-modified date of the installer files
- ↑ As per the last-modified date of K6DEMO.ZIP from
- ↑ As per the last-modified date of ALIENS.ZIP from
- ↑ As per the last-modified date of the game files
- ↑ As per the last-modified date of ALIENS.EXE from
- ↑ As per the last-modified date of the installer files