Vorticon Mods

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This is an alphabetical list of all Keen: Vorticon mods, one-level mods and level packs ever made for Keen.

  • Please click on the triangles to sort by different categories. i.e. if you click first on "Modder(s)" then on "Mod of", you will get a list that is sorted by which game was modded, and further sorted by modder name. Refresh the page to reset all sort settings.
  • Only the newest version of each mod or level pack is listed in the Download column; additional versions of mods or level packs may be found on their respective wiki pages.
  • Dates format: year-month-day (the release date is always for the first version of the mod, if known)

For a pictorial per-episode list choose from the following instead: Keen 1 mods, Keen 2 mods, Keen 3 mods.


A mod, or modification, is the alteration of content in order to make it operate in a manner different from its original version. They can include new items, modded weapons, characters, enemies, models, tile-sets, levels, music, story lines and game modes.

Full Mods

Title Download(s) Release date Modder(s) Mod of # of levels Protagonist Notes
A Christmas Mod Mk II: Merry Keenmas full 2006-01-06 Levellord Keen 2 16 Keen Discussion Mostly a graphical remake of Keen 2
A New Dope full 2007-03-14 KeenRush Keen 3 16 Keen Discussion
A Sham on Inishmort full 2005-08-17 Benvolio Keen 1 10 Keen Website
A Very Keen Christmas full 2005-02-08 Allstories Keen 1 16 Keen graphical remake of Keen 1
Aarrgggh the Garg in: New Yorp City full 2021-01-21 Benvolio Keen 1 16 Aarrgggh the Garg Discussion
Aliens vs. Keen full 2006-06-07 DivoKeen et al. Keen 1 12 Keen Website Discussion first 2 demos by DivoKeen, finished by Levellord
Aqua Keen 1: Red Tide full 2012-10-29
Dawg Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Aqua Keen 2: Seas Will Cease full 2012-11-20
Dawg Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Aqua Keen 3: Doomsday: 12-21-12 full 2013-04-03
Dawg Keen 1 12 Keen Discussion
Armageddon 2: Pluto Burns demo 2
super turbo
Najawa et al. Keen 1 17 Keen Discussion Super Turbo version expanded from Najawa's original demo, has music
Bad Dreams full
special edition
2004-09-25 Levellord Keen 1 14 Keen
Bananasauros full 2011-08-05 VikingBoyBilly Keen 1 16 Bananasauros Website Discussion Has music.
Bazooka Wowbagger full 2003-05-18 Paperface Keen 1 10 Bazooka Wowbagger Website Discussion
Bunny Basher full 2004-11-21 Benvolio Keen 1 16 Bunny Basher Website
Bunny Basher 2 full 2006-01-22 Benvolio Keen 1 16 Bunny Basher Website in Irish language
Bunny Basher 3 full 2022-04-15 Benvolio Keen 1 8 Bunny Basher Discussion
Christmas Special 2004 full 2005-01-02 Levellord, Benvolio Keen 1 16 Keen Website
Clones of Evil 1: The Galaxy of M full 2005-07-19 Genius314 Keen 1 16 Keen
Clouds Unseen full
2010-05-20 StupidBunny Keen 1 11 Character Discussion First mod in B/W; Easy and normal version available
Colander Ken: Do Unto Otters full 2014-11-01 Levellass Keen 1 8 Ken Discussion Has music.
Commander Keen and the Electromagnet full 2014-03-15 troublesomekeen Keen 2 7 Keen Discussion
Commander Keen confronts the Commandeered Planet full 2018-06-23 8bit-herpetology Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Dangerous Keen in The Haunted Mansion full 2004-03-14 Levellord Keen 1 16 Keen Website Discussion
Death to the Vorticons full
Keen 3 16 Keen half mod, half levelpack
Death to the Vorticons 2 full 2009-02-07 shikadi Keen 2 16 Keen
Death to the Vorticons 3 full 2009-03-27 shikadi Keen 3 16 Keen
Decree of the Skree 1: Kidnapped Keen full 2004-08-25 Ceilick Keen 1 16 Keen & Spot
Decree of the Skree 2: Zapping the Zot full 2004-11-26 Ceilick Keen 2 16 Keen
Decree of the Skree 3: Return of the Gaurdians full 2005-03-08 Ceilick Keen 3 16 Keen
Episode Null full 2004-03-11 Xky Rauh Keen 2 16 Keen
Episode Smile full 2005-01-07 KeenRush Keen 2 16 Keen
Episode X full 2002-06-30 Xky Rauh Keen 1 18 Keen Discussion 2nd-ever Keen mod
Episode Y full 2003-06-19 Grelphy Keen 1 21 Keen Website Discussion
Episode Z full 2009-01-30 Ceilick
Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
The Earth Implodes full v1.1 2020-05-20 Benvolio Keen 1 12 Keen Website Release Forum
The Fastest Gun In The Universe full 2013-04-19 KeenRush Keen 3 16 Keen Discussion
Fireblaze: Curse of the Dragonlords full 2018-11-18 88vega Keen 1 8 Castien released on moddb.com
Bonus Episode: Fathership's Revenge full v1.1 2021-01-23 Szemigi Keen 3 16 Keen Discussion
The Four Golden Crystals full 2003-01-28 Unfleexable Keen 1 16 Keen Website
Gestrand op de Rode Planeet full 2013-11-29 Benvolio Keen 1 16 Keen Website Discussion In Dutch language
The Grand Intellect: Doomship Dilemma full
Dr. Villain, Levellass
Keen 1 16 Mortimer McMire Discussion (full version)
Discussion (ultimate version)
The Grand Intellect: Fathership Revenge full 2009-08-16 szemigi Keen 2 18 Mortimer McMire Discussion
The Grand Intelligence: Cybernetic Dream full 2011-05-18 szemigi Keen 1 16 Martinez McMeyer Discussion: original, ultimate version
The Grand Intelligence II: The World is in trouble full 2012-11-25 szemigi Keen 2 16 Martinez McMeyer Discussion
The Grand Intelligence III: Moment of the Justice full 2013-01-19 szemigi Keen 3 16 Martinez McMeyer Discussion
Halloween Horrors full 2005-11-26 Levellord
Keen 1 14 Keen Website Discussion
Harvey's Mod full 2005-09-04 Harvey, Levellord Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Harvey's Mod 2 full 2007-12-03 Harvey, Levellord Keen 2 13 Keen
Hiding from the Sky full 2005-01-23 Karz Keen 1 14 Keen
Invasion of the Ivson 1: Oddpie beta 2009-10-26 mortimer Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Invasion of the Yorps 1: Crash on Gobo III original
ultra version
Keen 1 10 Keen
Invasion of the Yorps 2: Planet Destruction full 2003-01-16 Ceilick
Keen 2 16 Keen
Invasion of the Yorps 3: Tribulation of the Yorps full 2009-08-30 Ceilick
et al.
Keen 3 16 Keen Discussion
Keen -6 full 2009-08-08 Fleexy Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Keen 0 Plus full 2004-02-26 entropicdecay Keen 1 16 Keen
Keen 0: Printed to Pluto full 2014-06-09 Szemigi Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion Prequel to the "Invasion of the Vorticons" trilogy
Keen 1 Gold Edition full 2017-11-21 Szemigi Keen 1 32 Keen Discussion
Keen 2 Gold Edition full 2017-12-24 Szemigi Keen 2 32 Keen Discussion
Keen Q full 2007-11-09 Joriz:: Keen 2 16 Keen Discussion
Keen Rescue full 2012-03-14 VikingBoyBilly
Keen 3 16 Marta Website Discussion
Keen S full 2010-03-13 Shikadi Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Keen T full 2010-11-17 Shikadi Keen 3 16 Keen Discussion
Keen Universe: Aliens Ate My Homework full 2006-05-27 Stealthy71088 Keen 1 16 Keen
Keendroid Underground beta 2017-03-14 Commander Spleen Keen 1 9 Keendroid Website Discussion
The Last Moon full 2004-07-25 Allstories Keen 1 12 Keen
Lego Keen full v1.1 2003-12-12 Ilsoap Keen 1 17 Captain Keen Discussion
Marta 1 - Lunar Quest full 2013-11-19 VikingBoyBilly
Keen 1 24 Marta Website Discussion Has music.
The Morticore full 2015-03-14 Quinton Keen 1 16 Keen Website Discussion includes text file about Quinton's Keen modding history
The Mortrix full 2019-01-07 Quillax Keen 2 16 Keen Website Discussion
Monky Business: An Essence of Mayhem (aka. OrbKeen) beta 2004-08-07 Commander Spleen Keen 1 8 Keen Website Discussion
Musical Keen full 2005-07-26 Benvolio Keen 1 17 Keen Website
Norp the Yorp 1: Inside Mortimer's Computer full 2002-08-31 Xtraverse Keen 1 19 Norp Discussion
Norp the Yorp 2: Diffusion full 2002-12-23 Xtraverse Keen 2 16 Norp Discussion
Norp the Yorp 3: Brain Damage full 2003-02-03 Xtraverse Keen 3 16 Norp Discussion
Onward: Silcar 1: Nightmare Before Teatime full 2008-06-22 Tulip Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Onward: Silcar 2: Flee from Fleet full 2008-08-03 Tulip Keen 2 16 Keen Discussion
Onward: Silcar 3: The Evil that Meets the Eye full 2008-09-15 Tulip Keen 3 16 Keen Discussion
Onward: Silcar 4: The Civilization Inside full 2009-03-14 Tulip Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Patchwork Mod I full 2004-06-14 Keen Community Keen 1 16 Keen Website
Patchwork Mod II full 2005-06-29 Keen Community Keen 2 22 Keen Discussion
Patchwork Mod III full 2008-10-29 Keen Community Keen 3 17 Keen
The Perilous Pursuit full 2005-01-24 Ceilick
Commander Spleen
Keen 1 16 Keen
Planet of Agony full 2017-11-13 KeenRush Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Planet of the Pandas full 2019-03-14 proYorp Keen 1 10 Keen
Revenge of Mortimer 1: Mort's Rescue full 2014-03-14 Quinton Keen 1 16 Keen Website Discussion
Revenge of Mortimer 2: Flames On Earth full 2014-03-14 Quinton Keen 2 16 Keen Website Discussion
Revenge of Mortimer 3: The Sqeek Battle full 2014-03-14 Quinton Keen 3 16 Keen Website Discussion
Revenge of the Shikadi 1: Vanished to Venus full 2004-08-30 Benvolio Keen 1 17 Keen Website
Revenge of the Shikadi 2: Stopping the Skypest full 2004-08-30 Benvolio Keen 1 17 Keen Website
Revenge of the Shikadi 3: Exiting Epsilon full 2004-08-30 Benvolio Keen 2 23 Keen Website
The Ripped Mod full 2005-03-26 Levellord
et al.
Keen 1 16 Xky Rauh Discussion slightly edited Keen 1 levels
Robot Rebellion full 2004-03-14 Multimania Keen 1 16 Keen
Rorie's Birthday Mod full 2004-10-20 Levellord Keen 1 16 George W. Bush slightly edited Keen 1 levels
Save Spot! full 2014-05-11 Grandy02 Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
The Search for the Sentinel full 2004-08-08 Kohntarkosz Keen 1 12 Keen Discussion
Shadow Keen 1 full
remake by Levellord
remake by Captainkeen
Keen 1 32 Keen Website
Shadow Keen 2 full 2004-07-17 Levellord Keen 2 39 Keen Website
Shadow Keen 3 full 2004-10-07 Levellord Keen 3 16 Keen Website
Shmaynoria full v3.0 2010-11-02 Paramultart Keen 1 11 Keen Website Discussion Has music.
Sonichu in Maradonia full 2014-03-14 VikingBoyBilly Keen 1 8 Sonichu Discussion Has music.
Story Land full 2005-09-03 Ceilick Keen 1 16 Keen
Super Mario Brothers 1 full 2010-10-01 Szemigi Keen 1 30 Mario Discussion remake of the NES Super Mario Bros. game
Thwarting Mort full 2005-01-08 Benvolio Keen 1 9 Keen Website
Trapped Keen (inside his Gameboy) full 2010-08-25 shikadi Keen 3 21 Keen Discussion
Venture to Vorti Peaks full v1.0.1 2021-03-18 Excuses Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion
Vox 1 beta 2008-07-15 Grelphy Keen 1 20 Keen Website
Vox 2 beta 2008-07-15 Grelphy Keen 3 16 Keen Website
Vox 3 beta 2008-07-15 Grelphy Keen 2 16 Keen Website
Ye Olde Pirate Modde full
no music
2013-07-15 Levellass Keen 3 32 Pirate Keen Announcement
Yorphius II full
deluxe version
Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion The first-ever mod
Discussion graphical remake of Yorphius II, has music
Zelda II full 2004-01-22 CheesyDave Keen 1 21 Link remake of the classic NES Zelda game

Changed Gameplay Mods

This topic contains mods which differ largely from the ordinary Keen Vorticons gameplay. All mods in this category have substantial similarity in a distinctive gameplay derived from heavy patching.

Title Download(s) Release date Modder(s) Mod of # of levels Protagonist Notes
Bad Carma(ck) pre-alpha 2012-07-19 Flaose Keen 1 8 Keen Discussion Re-enter levels and keep keycards permanently
The Banana Mod beta 2013-03-14 Herry Jerry Keen 1 10 Keen Discussion Changed gameplay to auto-scrolling
Episode Dash full 2004-10-22 Xky Rauh Keen 3 16 Keen Discussion Introduces a timer that will kill Keen when it runs out
Extinction full 2012-07-13 KeenRush Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion Changed gameplay to auto-scrolling
Fall Up full 2010-11-23 KeenRush Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion Changed game physics (gravity)
Generic Mod II (Jetboy) full 2005-03-15 Levellord Keen 2 2 Jetboy Discussion Changed physics for player
Keen 1 640x480 Redux full 2010-08-17 Lemm Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion Graphics unchanged; Game runs at 640x480 in Dosbox emulating Paradise PVGA1A SVGA
Mondochrome full 2010-12-14 Commander Spleen Keen 1 16 Keen Website Discussion Arrow blocks puzzle
Prelude full 2023-10-31 Levellass Keen 1 4 Keen Discussion Changed physics
Regentropfen full 2015-04-01 Grandy02 Keen 1 1 Jolly Bucket parodies a GDR arcarde game called Poly-Play
Retrosis demo v0.2 2010-03-14 Commander Spleen Keen 1 9 Pogo with an Eye Website Discussion Has music. Changed gameplay
Shadow Jack alpha 2014-03-14 Ceilick Keen 1 5 Shadow Jack Discussion Changed game physics (gravity)
Simulator Keen full v1.1 2023-03-21 shikadi Keen 3 10 Keen Discussion randomly generated Keen levels
Sunset full 2020-12-14 KeenRush
Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion Different types of gameplay
Swan Song full 2016-07-20 Shikadi Keen 1 16 Keen Discussion Changed gameplay

One-Level Mods

This topic contains one level mods which promote a different design philosophy and showcase elaborate background graphics. There have been a few modding contests in the community, in which the goal was to create a one-level mod before a given deadline.

Title Download(s) Release date Modder(s) Mod of # of levels Protagonist Notes
A Christmas Mod full 2007-12-22 Levellass Keen 1 1 Tzen
A Matter of Minkcraft full 2010-08-29 Levellass Keen 1 1 Keen Website Discussion Has music.
Benvolio's Puzzle Level full 2005-09-01 Benvolio Keen 1 1 Keen Website
Bobrick Tower full 2012-03-14 StupidBunny Keen 3 1 Keen Discussion
Commander Bleen full 2010-08-29 Tulip Keen 2 2 Bleen Website Discussion
Dangerous Dave in Copyright Infringement full 2003-08-30 Flaose Keen 1 1 Dangerous Dave Version 1.02
Generic Mod I full 2005-03-14 Levellord Keen 1 1 Keen
Generic Mod III full 2005-03-28 Levellord Keen 3 2 Xky Rauh
How Bleen Saved Kwanzaa full 2011-01-08 VikingBoyBilly
Keen 1 1 Bleen Website Discussion Has music.
Norp the Yorp 3.5: The Maze of Doom full 2005-03-23 Xtraverse Keen 1 1 Norp
Marta 0: Marta's Moon Adventure full 2010-08-29 VikingBoyBilly Keen 1 1 Marta Website Discussion
Oracle Janitor 1: The Adventures of The Oracle Janitor full 2005-01-27 Ceilick Keen 1 1 Oracle Janitor
Oracle Janitor 2: Mystery of the Monastery full 2005-03-13 Ceilick Keen 2 1 Oracle Janitor
Oracle Janitor 3: Space Pirate Trouble full 2005-08-03 Ceilick Keen 3 1 Oracle Janitor
Xky's One Level Mod full 2005-03-13 Xky Rauh Keen 1 1 Keen Discussion Graphical preview for XkyKeen4

Unfinished / abandoned Mods

This topic contains unfinished, abandoned, or mods with only a few altered levels (see the notes).

Title Download(s) Release date Modder(s) Mod of # of levels Protagonist Notes
Ally's Mod I full 2009-07-24 Ally, Fleexy Keen 1 4 Keen Discussion
Ally's Mod II full 2009-08-01 Ally, Fleexy Keen 2 2 Keen Discussion
Ally's Mod III full 2009-08-12 Ally, Fleexy Keen 3 3 Keen Discussion
Ally's Mod IV full 2011-07-31 Ally, Fleexy Keen 1 4 Keen Discussion
Botafloria demo 2021-03-11 Nospike Keen 1 7 Keen Release Thread, Development Thread, abandoned.
Bugmod alpha 2014-06-24 KeenRush Keen 1 4 Keen Discussion, abandoned.
CGA Keen Episode 1 demo 2005-01-29 Quirky Moron Keen 1 2 Keen abandoned
Comrade Keen beta 2005-07-07 StupidBunny Keen 1 8 Comrade Keen Discussion
Earl Pedro in "Untitled" demo 2011-10-31 Benvolio Keen 1 4 Earl Pedro Discussion abandoned, released as part of Benvolio's Fun-Pack 2011
Flixxy the Fox in Mineepleo demo v0.4 2020-01-13 Bonevelous Keen 1 7 Flixxy the Fox
Highway Blues demo 2011-10-31 Benvolio Keen 1 4 Keen Discussion abandoned, released as part of Benvolio's Fun-Pack 2011
How the Vorticon Stole Christmas (Gorti Vrinch) full
original version
Stealthy71088 Keen 1 4 Gorti Vrinch
In the Bloogbrain full 2010-08-29 Bonevelous Keen 1 1 Keen Website Discussion
Justice and Freedom beta 2009-08-20 JM2008 Keen 3 16 Keen Discussion Only a very few changes. Abandoned.
Keen -5 demo 2009-10-22 Fleexy Keen 2 15 Keen Discussion: demo 1 demo 2
Keen: Redemption demo 2005-07-08 Allstories Keen 1 2 Becky Blaze Discussion abandoned
Keenbot beta 2004-07-05 Victor4k Keen 1 4 Keenbot Website Discussion abandoned
Keendroid full 2014-03-14 Commander Spleen Keen 1 3 Keendroid Website Discussion
Keen Error demo 2015-06-05 ElecDude33 Keen 1 1 Keen Discussion
Keen's Pepsi Craving demo 2011-08-10 Najawa Keen 1 1 Keen Discussion
The Krods of Keydacia beta 2011-03-21 Levellass Keen 1 11 Keen Discussion abandoned
Lord of the Rings: The Shards of Narsil demo 2005-09-25 Najawa Keen 1 1 Legolas Discussion abandoned
Mars Kingdoms alpha 2009-11-04 thehackercat Keen 1 1 Keen Discussion abandoned
The Moons of Morkador demo 2013-01-19 The Shifted One Keen 2 2.5 Keen Discussion abandoned
Mura demo v0.2.1 2024-12-05 Nospike Keen 1 4 Tikk Release Thread
Oasiz's Mod beta 2010-08-29 Oasiz Keen 1 1 Keen Website Discussion
The Psychedelic Mod demo 2011-10-31 Benvolio Keen 1 5 Keen Discussion abandoned, released as part of Benvolio's Fun-Pack 2011
Return To Mars alpha 2011-10-24 Bloog Keen 1 4 Keen Discussion Has music.
Unfinished K2 mod alpha 2016-03-09 KeenRush Keen 2 6 Keen Discussion abandoned

Level Packs

In contrast to mods, level packs do only change level designs and arrangements. Generally other alterations of content stay untouched though there might be some little exceptions.

Full Level Packs

Title Download(s) Release date Builder(s) Pack for # of levels Notes
A New Dope Levelpack full 2009-08-09 shikadi A New Dope 16
A.R.'s Keen 1 Levelpack full 1999-03-07 A.R. Keen 1 6
A.R.'s Puzzle Levelpack full 1999-01-25 A.R. Keen 1 10 Also known as Unknown I's 1st Levelpack
Airefresco's Keen 1 Levelpack full 1999-06-18 Airefresco Keen 1 7 Website
Art Pass Competition full 2010-08-23 Keen Community Keen 3 21 YouTube Channel
Captainkeen's 3rd Levelpack full 2014-01-05 Captainkeen Keen 1 16 Discussion
Captainkeen's 4th Levelpack full 2019-10-12 Captainkeen Keen 1 16
Commander Cool 1: Where's My Bears? full v1.1 2021-03-12 TheBigV Keen 1 16 Discussion
Community Keen X Levelpack full 2010-03-14 Keen Community Keen X 10 Discussion: release 1 release 2
Community Smile Levelpack full 2009-08-30 Keen Community Episode Smile 13 Discussion
The Dark Side of Mars full 1999-11-22 MRC Marky Keen 1 16
Episode Gnash full 2009-09-01 Fleexy
Episode Smile 16 Discussion
Extreme Keen full 2003-03-01 Perry Scanlon Keen 1 8 Website
Flyingmouse's Level Pack full v2.0 2013-03-15 Flyingmouse51 Keen 3 21 Discussion
Four Holy Pogos full 2018-04-06 PaquoCastor Keen 1 10 Discussion
Happy Easter Pack full 2009-04-12 Tulip Christmas Special 2004 16
Ice Levels full 1999-04-18 Neil McRae Keen 1 15 Website
IceKeen full 2013-02-21 KeenRush Keen 1 16
Ilsoap's Keen 1 Levelpack full 1999-01-26 Ilsoap Keen 1 7
InsaLevs I full 2017-05-10 Keen Community Keen 1 13 PCKF Level Competition, Discussion, Release
InsaLevs II full 2017-09-24 Keen Community Keen 2 12 PCKF Level Competition, Discussion, Release
InsaLevs III full 2018-11-16 Keen Community Keen 3 12 PCKF Level Collection, Discussion, Release
Inside the Vorticon Hyve full 2025-02-11 Vortlike Keen 2 16 Discussion
Keen 1 Level Competition Level Pack full 2007-01-01 Keen Community Keen 1 16 Discussion
Keen 2 Level Competition Level Pack full 2007-03-17 Keen Community Keen 2 16
Keen 2.5 full 2011-04-24 Dibodo Keen 2 16 Discussion
Keen 3 Part 2 normal
2010-10-16 Dibodo Keen 3 16 Discussion
Keen Armageddon full 1999-04-21 Adam Keen 1 16
Keen Is At It Again! full v1.1 2023-10-02 transporthummel Keen 1 24 Discussion
Keen XMas 2010 Levelpack full 2010-12-24 Tulip A Christmas Mod 4 Discussion
KMO Default Levels full 1999-02-13 Peder Johnson Keen 1 8
Lego Levels full 2010-02-10 Keen Community Lego Keen 7 Discussion
The Life of Mars full v1.2.1 2024-12-20 Sodium Keen 1 16 Discussion
Marooned on Mars Part II full 2003-09-02 Matze Keen 1 17 Website Discussion Matze considers it a levelpack with modified graphics
Marooned on Mars Forever beta 2005-10-08 bp Keen 1 16 Discussion Custom levels and sounds but not graphics.
MrBlackPack full 2009-01-18 MrBlack Keen 3 15 Discussion
Neil McRae's 2nd Levelpack full 1999-03-07 Neil McRae Keen 1 6 Website
Old Times 1: Back On Mars full 2020-12-13 CHOCOLATE MILK Keen 1 4 Discussion
The Phantom Blob's 1st Levelpack full 2003-08-06 The Phantom Blob Keen 3 11
pLeitorian's 1st Levelpack full 1999-03-06 pLeitorian Keen 1 16 Website
pLeitorian's 2nd Levelpack full 1999-03-25 pLeitorian Keen 1 16 Website
pLeitorian's 3rd Levelpack full 1999-04-07 pLeitorian Keen 1 16 Website
Return on Mars full 2001-09-29 Benoit Rouleau Keen 1 14
shikadi's 1st Levelpack full 2008-02-11 shikadi Keen 3 11 Discussion
shikadi's 2nd Levelpack full 2008-02-14 shikadi Keen 1 12 Discussion
shikadi's 3rd Levelpack full 2008-02-23 shikadi Keen 3 16 Discussion features easy, normal and hard versions of each level
Test Your Keen Skillz full 2003-09-15 Captainkeen Keen 1 10 Discussion
therealdopefish's 2nd Levelpack full 1999-02-10 therealdopefish Keen 1 15
Thomas and Kael's Keen 1 Levelpack full 2001-12-29 Thomas & Kael Keen 1 14
Tom Bailey's 1st Levelpack full 1999-02-10 Tom Bailey Keen 1 7
Vorta Retra full 2001-01-02 Shockshund, et al. Keen 3 16
xky1rooms full 2013-11-06 KeenRush Keen X 14 Discussion
xky1tuned full 2005-08-08 KeenRush Keen X 16 Discussion
XkyKeen2 Competition Level Pack full 2008-04-23 Keen Community Keen Null 8
Yorphius II Level Pack full 2007-03-19 Stealthy71088
Xky Rauh
Yorphius II 16

One-Level / Unfinished Level Packs

This topic contains mainly Level Packs with only one single level altered. Most of these modifications were done in the early days of Vorticon modding.

Title Download(s) Release date Builder(s) Pack for # of levels Notes
adurdin's 1st Levelpack full 2000-12-21 adurdin Keen 2 1 Website
Airefresco's Keen 2 Levelpack full 1999-07-10 Airefresco Keen 2 1 Website
The Best Mod Ever Made demo 2010-12-14 CKeen Keen 2 5
BlueBounder's 1st Levelpack full 2002-06-01 BlueBounder Keen 3 1
Captainkeen's 2nd Levelpack full 2003-09-18 Captainkeen Keen 1 3 Discussion
CK Guy's 1st Levelpack full 2004-04-30 CK Guy Keen 3 1 Website
Dagneilius's 1st Levelpack full 2003-07-06 Dagneilius Keen 3 1
Daniel's Keen Mod beta 2003-10-22 Dagneilius Keen 1 14 abandoned
Dungeon of Mystery full 2003-12-15 Perry Scanlon Keen 1 2 Website
Engine Room and First Level full 2003-03-17 Grelphy Keen 2 2 Website
Flaose's Original Level Pack full 1999-01-18 Flaose Keen 1 2 Also known as Unknown II's 1st and 2nd levelpacks
Forge's 1st Level full 2001-10-11 Forge Keen 1 1 Website
The Freaking Vorticon full 2001-08-08 Pablo Dictter Keen 1 2
GARGapplesauce's CK1 Levelpack demo 2010-11-20 GARGapplesauce Keen 1 1 Discussion
I Am Frozen full 2002-05-08 Valerio Keen 1 1
The Ice Factory full 1998-01-14 Xky Rauh Keen 1 1
Ice Planet full 2003-11-09 Eazyjay Keen 1 7 Discussion
Jumping Practice full 1999-04-27 Justin Keen 1 1 Website
Keen 1 BwB Level full 1999-01-20 Flaose Keen 1 1 Often called by the misnomer Flaose's First Levels
Kuliwil's Level Pack full 2011-01-02 Kuliwil Keen 1 2 Discussion
Level Test full 2008-03-14 Xky Rauh Keen 1 2 Discussion. Used as part of an experiment.
Lost Secret full 2014-06-11 Szemigi Keen 1 1 Discussion Szemigi considers it a level pack.
Manboy's Keen 1 Levelpack full 2001-09-27 Manboy Keen 1 3 Discussion
Martian Building and Skyscraper full 2003-06-04 Grelphy Keen 1 2 Website
Mitchell's 1st Levelpack full 2001-02-18 Mitchell Keen 2 1
Mitchell's 2nd Levelpack full 2001-02-20 Mitchell Keen 1 1
Mitchell's 3rd Levelpack full 2001-03-10 Mitchell Keen 2 1
Peder Johnson's 1st Levelpack full 1999-02-08 Peder Johnson Keen 1 1
Peter Heardghana's Keen 1 Level full 1999-02-28 Peter Heardghana Keen 1 1
Realms of Doom full 1999-04-25 Justin Keen 1 2 Website
rrian's 1st Levelpack full 2001-06-09 rrian Keen 3 3
shikadi's 3rd Levelpack (Keen 2) full 2008-02-23 shikadi Keen 2 2 included in a Keen 3 levelpack
Some Dope Levels full 2007-06-14 CK Guy A New Dope 2
therealdopefish's 1st Levelpack full 1999-01-22 therealdopefish Keen 1 4
Twin Towers full 2000-06-27 AlienKillerXX Keen 1 1
Underground Level, Underground Base, and Vorticon full 2003-05-05 Grelphy Keen 3 3 Website
Wish Keen full 2017-01-02 The Candyjack Keen 2 1 Discussion
Xky's Mega Level full 1999-01-24 Xky Rauh Keen 1 1

Skin Mods

Skin Mods only change the look and feel of characters or tile-sets. But in contrast to level packs or mods, the original level designs stay untouched.

Translations can be found on a separate page.

Title Download(s) Release date Skin's creator(s) Mod for Note(s)
Cybernetic Dreams full 2002-06-08 Cybernetic Dreams Keen 3 Website Full colour swap
Jetboy Remake full 2005-02-13 Levellord Keen 2 New Keen sprite: Jetboy
Keen 1 CGA Version full 2004-03-14 Zorath Keen 1
Keen 1 Intergalactic Version full 2003-06-13 Zorath Keen 1 Replaces English with SGA and vice-versa
Keen 1 Military Mod full 2001-01-11 adurdin Keen 1 Play as a Vorticon
Keen 1 to 4 full 2003-01-20 Unfleexable Keen 1 Attempts to mimic Keen: Galaxy sprite
Keen 1 with inverted colours full 2017-10-17 Szemigi Keen 1
Keen 2 with inverted colours full 2017-10-18 Szemigi Keen 2
Keen 3 with inverted colours full 2017-10-19 Szemigi Keen 3
Keen 2 Intergalactic Version full 2003-06-13 Zorath Keen 2 Replaces English with SGA and vice-versa
Keen 2 Military Mod full 2001-01-11 adurdin Keen 2 Play as a Vorticon Elite
Keen 3 Intergalactic Version full 2003-06-13 Zorath Keen 3 Replaces English with SGA and vice-versa
Keen 3 Military Mod full 2001-01-11 adurdin Keen 3 Play as a VortiNinja
Keen Static full 1999-04-15 CrazyKeen Keen 1 Mix of files from Keens 1, 2, and 3
Mortimer McMire - Marooned on Mars full 2004-04-09 Quirky Moron Keen 1 Play Keen 1 as Mortimer
XkySkin full 2002-12-15 Manboy Keen 1 Discussion New Keen sprite based on doodles by Xky

See Also